About Our G3Net Company LTD

G3Net company ltd is located at kijitonyama (14113), Derm plaza Tower 7th floor.

G3Net deals with Suppling Of Electronic Equipment, Installation, Configuration & Maintenance of Telecommunication Services and ICT Services. We supply electronic equipment such as computers accessories, printers, tablets etc., We Install, maintain, or repair telecommunications equipment. Inspect or test lines or cables. Lay underground cable also G3Net provide ICT services by developing, intergrating and maintaining mobile, desktop and website applications

Technology is best when it brings people together.

by Matt Mullenweg, social media Entreprenuer

G3Net provides computer application software, software systems and solutions in areas of business and marketing, social media and gaming. Using data centers to make own and third-party computer softwares and packages available over the internet.

Our Vision

Enabling enterprises to leverage technology for business growth and success.

Our Mission

Our mission is to enhance business growth of our customers with creative design, development and to deliver market defining high quality solutions that create value and reliable competitive advantage to customers around the globe.